
Call of duty ww2 zombie characters
Call of duty ww2 zombie characters

call of duty ww2 zombie characters

After a brief conflict with Doctor Peter Straub and Colonel Heinz Richter, they managed to retrieve the hilt of Barbarossa's sword. Drostan managed to make it to the village, where he later regrouped with the others and proceeded with the mission. Their train ride was intercepted by a colossal creature, and they were separated from one another. Drostan questioned the ambiguity of the mission, given the lack of information they were given, and also disapproved of Marie's personal goal: rescuing her brother Klaus. Drostan told Rideau about his past involvement with Himmler, at which point he was told to keep quiet so that the team wouldn't jump to conclusions.ĭrostan joined a 4-man squad consisting of himself, Marie Fischer, Olivia Durant and Jefferson Potts on a mission to Marie's hometown, Mittelburg, to retrieve several lost artifacts. He chose to join the MFAA and was assigned to Major Hank Rideau's team to retrieve arts throughout World War II.

call of duty ww2 zombie characters

Eventually, he was caught by the Metropolitan Police and was given a choice: to go to jail for his thievery, or join the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Program to reclaim stolen art by the Nazis. Over the years, Drostan continues to investigate and steal artifacts that the Nazis have their sights on one notable location he went to was the Merkers Salt Mine. He would later sell the urn close to a museum, and make some money in the process. Noticing the detailed artwork within the scrolls, he decided to keep them to himself, and upon realizing that the Nazis wouldn't let him leave in one piece, he snuck out on one night and returned to land via a fishing boat. Drostan, however, did find an urn filled with scrolls, which belonged to a mad monk that once resided on this island. Germanic tribe, and nothing that would relate to Emperor Frederick Barbarossa or medieval knights. To Himmler's dismay, Drostan could only find bones and carvings of a 1st-century A.D. Drostan, who was short on money at the time, agreed to do the job.

call of duty ww2 zombie characters

He was instructed to find an item belonging to the knights of the Crusade, without further details. Drostan Hynd was originally a humanities professor from the University of Edinburgh, who got sought out by Heinrich Himmler to go to Heligoland to search for a specific artifact for the Nazi party.

Call of duty ww2 zombie characters